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Philosophical sciences
Formation of scientific outlook of E.A. Dergacheva happened according to the theory of anthropogenic social development. She has a certain contribution to studying legislations of anthropogenic social development, broadening artificial environment, nature of influence that environment has upon biosphere and human, transformation of natural-biological processes. She has made social-philosophic foundation of sociotechnonatural globalization according to integration of society, technosphere, and biosphere nature [1; 7; 10; 12].
E.A. Dergacheva has defined the concept "anthropogenity". At industrial and postindustrial stage of development the society creates machine technics and technology that is facilitated in processing resources of nature, alters its quality, and forms technosphere. Influence of technosphere elements upon the evolving society and biosphere nature creates system processes that, taken together, define emergence of anthropogenity phenomenon in social and social-natural development. According to E.A. Dergacheva, anthropogenity (as an objective process) is a series of multiaspect integrated interactions between artificial components with social and natural processes, broadening throughout the planet as well as consequence of such interactions. Complication of anthropogenity reflects in globalization of anthropogenic society that leads to transformation or even degradation of biosphere [2; 10; 11]. Modern anthropogenic society is a system, basic component of which is society, technosphere, created by it, and region of biosphere, within which they exist and upon which they have an effect.
E.A. Dergacheva explains how anthropogenic society continues to exist in postinductrial society, in which industrial nature of development does not disappear, but strengthen at the foundation of the accelerating development of science and technics, permanent introduction of scientific knowledge and technologies, produced upon them, not only into production, but all areas of social life.
Attention of E.A. Dergacheva is concentrated on development of technosphere within anthropogenic society and its influence upon nature of social and natural process, unlike most researchers who study development of society from the point of undergoing changes in social business and service sector.
E.A. Dergacheva introduces and explains new ideas of social systems: "industrial-anthropogenic", "postindustrial-anthropogenic". These conceptions reflect phenomenons of significant intensification of anthropogenity in postindustrial society, where science-intensive sector develops rapidly. "At the stage of postindustrial-anthropogenic development industrial vector of improving scientific-technical energetics is preserved, but goes along with its miniaturization and informatization. Fixation of anthropogenity within evolution of the universalizing society is provided by global advancing process of widespread influence of science, technics, technosphere upon all areas of social life and biosphere of nature, enriching them with artificially-synthesized substances that radiate hazardous electromagnetic emission" [1, p.87].
E.A. Dergacheva was the first one to introduce the term "anthropogenic rationality". Discrepancy of anthropogenic rationalization of society and natural world consists in the fact that it provides for basic, qualitative improvement in life conditions of society on the one hand, but happens due to merciless exploitation and degradation of biosphere on the other hand [8; 10; 14].
In order to study formation and development of anthropogenic rationality as well as processes of social transition towards new civilizational and social-natural step of development, E.A. Dergacheva introduced a new concept "anthropogenic modernization" as a period that included three basic stages: preindustrial, industrial, and postindustrial. The first stage of preindustrial modernization (XVI-XVIII century) in Europe can be described as period of genesis for significant revolutionary changes in social-economic, scientific, and technical-technological areas of social life. The second stage of anthropogenic modernization (late XVIII - middle XX century) - industrial - happened along with revolutionary transition from manufactory to factorial production and development of industrial method of producing social life. The third stage of anthropogenic modernization - postindustrial - began in the middle of the XX century. In 1970-ies informational revolution celebrated coming of a new stage in scientific-technical development, transition of the most developed countries towards postindustrial stage ot their development with the corresponding transformations in nature [10].
E.A. Dergacheva also developed substantial characteristics of the contradictory nature of technological rationality. A positive feature of technological rationality is that it contributes to the continuous acceleration of the progress of man-made society. The negative characteristics of technological rationality are primarily market-targeted, rather than social value orientation to its results, which leads to unforeseen and damaging consequences, as well as damaging its impact on the biosphere and man, his physical and spiritual nature. The growing negative consequences of technological transformations put humanity before the acute problem of resolving contradictions sustainable socio-natural transformation of the world.
Conclusion by E.A. Dergacheva: if humanity will follow rational and responsible strategy for natural and social development, shift from the ideology of anthropocentrism to biospherecentrism, the general direction of evolution of the "society-nature" system will go towards the formation of increasingly artificial life. Therefore, we must concentrate all the forces of the world community on the revival of the biosphere and its life on the basis of association and the use of the entire world's economic potential. Researchers have also introduced the concept of "conceptual humane rationality socio-natural development" as a set of ecological, ethical and social rationalities, the cumulative effect of which is aimed at eliminating negative tendencies of technological rationality. The development of such rationality should, according to E.A. Dergacheva, form the basis of human survival strategy and the preservation of the biosphere [3; 10].
E.A.Dergacheva focuces attention on the formation of a new direction in the study of globalistics - sociotechnonatural globalization, carried out on the basis of research integrated system of society development, the biosphere and the artificial world (monograph "Trends and Prospects sociotechnonatural globalization M. 2009.") [7] .
Down by the interaction of social, artificial and natural biological processes anthroopgenic sociotechnonatural planetary system forms new integrated patterns of world development. The author makes a significant contribution to the understanding of globalization raises the question of decision-making on the conservation of the biosphere and human action, outlines ways to overcome the global problems that are generated in the last century, man-made global social development.
By developing a new concept of globalization, E.A.Dergacheva reveals its essential characteristics, which consist in the fact that man-made system interaction globalized society created by the techno sphere, and transformed nature leads to the interpenetration of social, technosphere and natural biological development. As a result of modern globalization changes the nature of the life evolution on Earth from the natural to the man-made socio-natural. In the course of the evolution of the planetary system elements of artificial world are integrated into the processes of society, man and nature development. As a result, man-made form (biotechnology) forms of life, is the establishment of global man-made environment of human activity and its inherent lifestyle [1; 13].
Thus, E.A.Dergacheva discovered prospects for development in modern globalization, associated with emergence of global man-made social-natural system, coming to replace the system of biosphere life. It was found that the economic mechanism of modern market economy focused on the expanded reproduction of the elements of the technosphere and technological processes on a global scale.
It was revealed that the essence of contemporary globalization is the systematic integration of social, technosphere, and natural biological evolution. It is proved that the substantial characteristics of contemporary globalization are defined by increasing anthropogenic component of its planetary processes and problems. It is shown that the possible ways of sustainable development of society and the interconnected nature should be related to the humanization and limits the negative consequences of technological modern globalization.
Concept of sociotechnonatural globalization, developed in works by E.A.Dergacheva, opens up new possibilities for system solutions of fundamental problems of social philosophy and global studies, a deeper study of integrated socio-natural processes [1].
2. E.A. Dergacheva From man-made society - to sociotechnonatural globalization // Srednerussky Gazette of Social Sciences. - 2010. - №4. - S.7-13.
3. E.A. Dergacheva From technogenic rationality to the rational socio-natural development // Bulletin of Russian Peoples Friendship University. "Philosophy" series. - 2008. - №1. - 12-16p.
4. E.A. Dergacheva Informatization processes in the context of man-made social development // Bulletin of Tambov State University G.R . Derzhavin. "Humanities" series. - 2008. - Vol. 4 (60). - S.71-76.
5. E.A. Dergacheva Socially-philosophical analysis of globalization // Recent studies of social problems. - 2012. - №1 (09); URL: http://sisp.nkras.ru/issues/2012/1/dergachyova.pdf (reference date: 20/12/15).
6. E.A. Dergacheva Socio-natural problems in the modern global studies // Philosophy and Society. - 2008. - №3. - 109-122p.
7. E.A. Dergacheva Trends and prospects of sociotechnonatural globalization. - M .: Librokom, 2009. - 232 p.
8. E.A. Dergacheva Technogenic rationality and its function in the modernization of modern society // Bulletin of Russian People Friendship University. - "Philosophy" series. - 2007. - №1 (13). - 31-39p.
9. E.A. Dergacheva Technogenic economy - vector of artificial processes in society and the biosphere // Recent studies of social problems. - 2012. - №4 (12); URL: http://sisp.nkras.ru/e-ru/issues/2012/4/dergacheva.pdf (reference date: 20/12/15).
10. E.A. Dergacheva Technogenic society and the contradictory nature of his rationality. - Bryansk: Publishing House of the Baltic State Technical University, 2005. - 219 p.
11. E.A. Dergacheva Technogenics and its ideological content // Herald Bryansk State Technical University. - 2009. - №2. - 167-173p.
12. E.A. Dergacheva The philosophy of man-made society - M .: Lenand, 2011. – 216p.
13. E.A. Dergacheva Characteristics of global biosphere technosperics in the modern era // Age of Globalization. - 2014. - №1. - 124-132p.
14. E.A. Dergacheva On the contradictory scientific, technical and technological rationality in technogenic social development // Herald of the Voronezh State University. "Humanities" series. 2006. №1. 169-179p.
Trifankov Y.T. SUMMARY ON SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTS AND WORKS BY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY ELENA ALEKSANDROVNA DERGACHEVA. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 6 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/468-25188 (19.02.2025).