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Home / Issues / № 2, 2016


Latyshev О.

The problem of raising children's homes on what is happening behind the walls of the orphanage, and what awaits them after the release of its walls, now seems to be one of the most important - both from a scientific and practical design. It is closely connected with the complex problem of adaptation of post graduates, which due attention to their scientific works devoted V.S. Mukhina, G.V. Family, V.N. Ilyin, V.A. Kovtonyuk, O.E. Kryukova, L.B. Levina, L.N. Makarova, G.E. Spirina, L.P. Chaikina, E.V. Chernykh, I.I. Chernousova, as well as many other brilliant and far-sighted researchers. The elements of romance and emotional perception over time encourage students to get acquainted with the economic engines of tourism, local history explorations in their areas, allowing children to cultivate their minds pride in their native land, the wisdom of the ancestors, and the depth of historical tradition. Gradually, some of them begin to associate the model of the future fulfillment outside of their studies in a boarding school to tourism and local history". [3. 393 ]. Of course, the tourism industry and local history is an example of not only enhance the economic thinking of students and graduates. Also can play a significant role in this and the inclusion in the educational process of boarding institutions of various socio -economic games. Let me give you here is one such example, which analyzes the work of O. Kryukova, for the past two decades, giving its positive results, and ensure " the mobilization of a wide range of the child and its target to reach new heights of development. Thus, the nature of mobilization is, among other things, developed by us in 1993, when only formed a Russian orphanage family game "Bank of collections." [It] is designed for the implementation of the tradition of the open source project, that is, no limit duration, and limited only by summing the subtotals. This game is created to support a child's desire to know the world, the development of his communication skills through tours and tourist activities and local history, thrift, ordering, ordering gradually in all spheres of life and self- care peers in the implementation of the above. Long-term experience of the game in orphanages, boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, social rehabilitation centers and shelters for children of families in difficult situations, equally showed its relatively high efficiency. In carrying out this game involving teachers and pupils of boarding schools of the Krasnodar Territory, Astrakhan, Voronezh, Kaluga, Rostov, Samara, Chelyabinsk and other regions of the Russian Federation". [3, 405]. You can and should also talk about other examples of positive mobilization of economic thinking orphans, extremely fast becoming graduates of boarding schools and requires a special attitude of the public services and institutions. The scope of the proposed work does not allow it to do so. We would be very grateful to you, our dear readers, for all the comments and suggestions. You may also find it possible and express readiness to embark on the path of scientific cooperation with us in this matter, which resulted in the first place, would be an effective methodological and organizational teams to help orphanages in economic education.

1. Arhipov A.Ju.. Vneshnejekonomicheskaja dejatel'nost' rossijskih regionov v uslovijah globalizacii // Jekonomicheskij vestnik Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2003. T. 1. № 3. S. 83-88.

2. Il'in V.N., Latyshev O.Ju. Socializacija detej-sirot sredstvami jekskursionno-turisticheskoj i kraevedcheskoj dejatel'nosti // Materialy Pervoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Vnutrennij turizm kak faktor razvitija regionov v uslovijah rynochnoj jekonomiki (na primere Samarskoj oblasti)». – Tol'jatti, 2012. – S.390-399.

3. Krjukova O.E., Latyshev O.Ju. Social'no-psihologicheskaja adaptacija detej-sirot sredstvami jekskursionno-turisticheskoj i kraevedcheskoj dejatel'nosti // Materialy Pervoj mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Vnutrennij turizm kak faktor razvitija regionov v uslovijah rynochnoj jekonomiki (na primere Samarskoj oblasti)». – Tol'jatti, 2012. – S. 400-411.

4. Lazhencev V.N.. Jenergeticheskie i mineral'no-syr'evye resursy evropejskogo severa Rossii kak ob#ekt kompleksnyh regional'nyh issledovanij // Jekonomicheskaja nauka sovremennoj Rossii. 2002. Jekspress-vypusk №1. S. 57-62.

5. Latyshev O.Ju. Universitetskij kompleks kak sredstvo optimizacii obrazovatel'nogo processa v sirotskom uchrezhdenii // Sb. materialov nauch.-prakt. konf. molodyh uchjonyh.- M., 2006.- S.212-217.

Bibliographic reference

Latyshev О. THE ECONOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS AND BEHAVIOR OF GRADUATE OF ORPHANAGES: THE PROBLEM AND REALITY. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25193 (25.01.2025).