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Home / Issues / № 2, 2016

Teaching science

Yessenbayeva G., Kakenov K.

One of the major problems that is constantly at the center of attention of the Bologna reforms is the problem of graduates employability [1].

Under the employability ( the ability of graduates to seek employment) in the broad sense it refers to the mastery of a set of qualities and competences that meet the needs of employers and to help graduates successfully find a job and realize their potential throughout their working lives [2].

There are two approaches to the definition of the term "employability". The first approach focuses on the concept of graduate employment. In this case, the capacity for employment is defined as the ability of graduates to receive the original work or start their own business and to be able to further move the career ladder within the labor market. The second approach focuses on what type of competencies high school graduates should have to successfully find a job. Proponents of this approach require to meet the changing needs of employers and consumers in order to help you realize your aspirations and potential in [3].

Thus, the emphasis in the definition of the concept of "employability" is made for the graduates' purchase of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics that are valued by existing or potential employers.
In Yerevan Communiqué (2015) [4] it is noted that the promotion of employment opportunities of graduates throughout their professional activities in a rapidly changing labor market is the main goal of the European Higher Education Area.

In this regard, universities who are  joined the Bologna process, have  the following tasks:
          - Ensuring that the graduates' knowledge and competences are necessary for success in their professional activities;
          - Involving employers and labor market institutions in the design andimplementation of educational programs;
          - Monitoring universities careers of their graduates in order to improve and enhance the relevance of educational programs.

The first task involves the organization of educational process in high school, aimed at clearly defined in terms of learning outcomes competences. This is primarily due to the identification of a list of competencies, which must have a graduate education program in order to successfully find a job in the future to move up the career ladder.For each educational program it is necessary to establish systematic sociological studies of both employers and the graduates themselves, in order to identify and rank the most important competencies that define the ability to graduate employment. Since employability also depends on external factors, including the changing situation on the labor market, economic conditions, the list of competencies can also change the need to reflect in educational programs by their timely updating.

As for the second problem, it should be noted that at present Kazakhstani universities have quite a lot of experience employers' involvement in the design and implementation of educational programs.

Employers are attracted to the development of modular educational programs and their examination and review, a catalog of elective disciplines. Practitioners give lectures, conduct laboratory studies, both at the university and on the basis of their enterprises, criticize educational materials, led by professional practice, criticize graduate student and participate in the work of the SJC. Widely practiced visiting classes, master classes. Functioning educational and scientific-industrial complexes and branches of departments at the enterprises are basic departments. The main problem here is, in our opinion, is to provide a systematic and increasing the efficiency of this work.

In accordance with the third task, universities should be carried out not only to monitor the employment of graduates and their results, but also to track their future career, provide feedback and use the results to improve their educational programs.

In order to improve the ability of graduates to employment, in our opinion, it is necessary:

           - Implementation of the clearly developed strategy practice-based learning;
           - A shift in focus in the organization of educational process on project learning;
           - Timely updating the content of training courses in accordance with the realities of practice;
           - Systemic involvement of practitioners in the development and implementation of educational programs;
           - Ensuring regular participation of students in professional competitions, including the elements of professional certification in every educational program;
          - Improvement of effectiveness of the professional practice of students and increasing the number of employed students as a result of the practice.

1. Baydenko V.I. The Bologna process: problems, searches, solutions - M .: Research center of problems of quality of training, 2006. - 111c.

2. http://www.unesco.kz›education/cdrom/ssdkz…dakar_doklad.htm

3. htpp://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/еurydice/documents/thematic_reports/165EN.pdf

4. Yerevan communiqué // Bologna Process – European Higher Education Area. – URL.: htpp:// www.ehea.info/ Uploads /SubmitedFiles/ 5_2015/112705. pdf

Bibliographic reference

Yessenbayeva G., Kakenov K. WAYS TO IMPROVE EMPLOYABILITY OF GRADUATES. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25174 (22.10.2024).