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Historical science
Publications undertaken by the Zemstvo authorities of the Novgorod province, for researchers are important sources on the history of activity of the Zemstvos and the region as a whole. This fully applies to the "Bulletins of the Novgorod Zemstvo", which was published for 1899-1906 and 1913-1917 years. "The Bulletin" three times changed the name: "Bulletin of the Novgorod Zemstvo" (1899-1906, hereinafter - BNZ), "Agricultural Bulletin of the Novgorod province Zemstvo" (1913-1917, then - grasping, ABNPZ) and "Bulletin of Novgorod province Zemstvo" (1917, then - VNPZ).
The "Bulletins" also contain information on the most different spheres of life of the Novgorod province in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including affected and the economic activity of the Zemstvos and the province in General, and local lending institutions in particular [2]. Selected issues of credit and Finance, reported on the pages of the BIS, was partially discussed, V. I. Romashova, Y. A. Vasiliev [3]. The number of stories devoted to issues of credit and Finance, pages BNZ exceeds 500.
Separate materials on the history of credit institutions in the province of Novgorod, which can be used by researchers, contained in the "Agricultural Bulletin of the Novgorod province Zemstvo" (150). It was published in 1913-1917, the Novgorod provincial Zemstvo administration for 6 issues per year (editors - 1913 M. V. Ants, 1914 - M. A. Prokofiev). Unfortunately, the "Agricultural Bulletin..." was not so informative and sharply polemical edition, like its predecessor, which is determined by not only the agrarian thrust of the new "Bulletin", but also the socio-political realities of the period and military time.
Although the "Agricultural Bulletin..." was published slightly less than the BIS (4-year vs 6), but the themes and composition of publications has changed dramatically. ABNPZ were true to their name, because the vast majority of his material was devoted to the functioning and improvement of the farm and agriculture in General. Up to 1916 from his editorial portfolio disappeared sharply polemical and political publications, which were so distinguished for BNZ and that, in fact he was closed in the first years of the Russian revolution. Such materials again began to appear only with the beginning of a serious deterioration of the situation in the rear and especially the front line, which consisted of the Novgorod province. By the end of 1916 the food situation is becoming catastrophic, and hiding it was impossible. Thus, ABNPZ contains far fewer publications on socio-economic topics.
However, in the "Agricultural Bulletin..." published materials on credit and credit institutions of the Novgorod province, although less frequently than in previous BNZ (almost 4 times less). So, viewing editions grasping for 1913-1917 have established the presence of approximately 155 stories on this topic, 103 of which were dedicated simultaneously to two or more questions.
If you divide the materials on the blocks, they will be distributed in the following way (see table) numbers in parentheses indicate the number of stories that refer simultaneously to two or more themes: "loans and borrowings" - 33 (14), "Credit institution" - 5 (5), "Peasant land Bank" - 6, "the State Bank" - 3 (3, one of them - the announcement), "Urban public banks - 1 (ad), "Credit - 8 (6), the "Small credit" - 4 (3), "Reclamation credit - 3 (3), "Credit partnerships and companies" - 24 (15), "the Pawn" - 3 (3), "savings and credit associations and funds" - 6 (6), "Society" - 7 (7), "Usury" - 3 (4), "Agricultural partnerships and companies" - 7 (7), "small Cash loan" - 14 (7), "co-operation" (mainly about co-operative institutions, including credit) - 16 (16), "mutual credit Society" - 1 (ad).
Thus, all aforesaid allows to conclude that the " Bulletins..." of the Novgorod Zemstvo are a very valuable source on the history of credit institutions in the province of Novgorod. The most capacious in this respect of these publications is "Bulletin of the Novgorod Zemstvo" in which the great bulk of publications on the pre-revolutionary local credit. "Agricultural Bulletin of the Novgorod Zemstvo" can claim to such completeness, but, nevertheless, it also contains a certain number of stories on the topic. In any case, the study of this valuable source on the history of the Novgorod region should be continued.2. The activities of the Zemstvos in the field of Economics and Finance // the Zemstvo and the revival of its cultural and economic traditions (Materials of the conference dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the Novgorod Zemstvo. 24-25 October 1995). Novgorod, 1996. Section II. P. 48-114/
3. Romashova V. I. "Bulletin of the Novgorod Zemstvo: research and information guide. Veliky Novgorod, 2011; Vasiliev, Y. A., "Bulletin of the Novgorod Zemstvo" as a source on the history of credit institutions in the Novgorod province // the Documentary heritage of Novgorod and the Novgorod land. (Proceedings of the XIII scientific conference of historians-archivists 23.05.2013. Veliky Novgorod, 2015. P. 69-73.
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25118 (20.02.2025).