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Home / Issues / № 2, 2016

Philological sciences

Text cognitive script typologization as the innovative research way
Ogneva E.A.

One of the most actual issues of contemporary university linguistics is the literary text interpreting as the conceptsphere, because "text is the main sphere of knowledge existing in the process of language evolution from past to nowadays and to cultural-historical perspective" [Gasparian, & Chernyavskaya, p. 44].

Autor`s literary text conception is based on the text determination as the unit of lingual ethno-meanings which is rejected by the writer into textual matrix. Text is meant as the creative linguo-construct of reality, as the symbol of past, present, and future synergy. This synergy is verbalized by lingual signs to form the literary world model.

Our researches of literary text as the literary conceptsphere base on the fact, that "different research ways to interpret the literary conceptsphere architectonics is the sphere to identify the base concepts conceptualizing the world view in any language" [Ogneva, p. 62].

According to complex text researches the literary conceptsphere is identified as the unit of static and dynamic structures. Nowadays, it is necessary to research the cognitive script for the typologization of this knowledge dynamic format. Following N.N. Boldirev, "format is the form to represent knowledge on mental or lingual levels" [Boldirev, p. 26].

First of all, the cognitive script was researched by R.C. Schank and R.P. Abelson. In the middle of XX century these scientists interpreted the cognitive script as the cognitive structure which was describing the context as the events` succession [Schank, Abelson 1977]. Later, in 1980-s R.C. Schank interpreted the cognitive script as "representation of data structure, i.e. script was meant as the events` list to form the stereotyped episode" [Schank 1982], but G.Lakoff, and M. Johnsen assumed, that «the way scheme is the script base as propositional model. Accordorng to this theory , the way`s structure includes three parts: start point → way → aim. Start point is the source status, but the aim is the final status. The events, which are between the source status and the final status are identified as points of way" [Lakoff, Johnsen 1988].

Our text cognitive script conception is based on typologization algorithm. Firstly, it should realize cognitive-hermeneutic analysis of literary conceptual sphere.

Secondly, it should classify the dynamic cognitive text structures in the research text.

Thirdly, it should research the script architectonics as the three correlated components, such as: (1) agent-informant, (2) speech-impulses, (3) background-informant. This type is named three-component text cognitive script, but there is two-component text cognitive script too, i.e. the script which includes only agent-informant, and speech-impulses.

Fourthly, it should classify the cognitive script into two groups according the agent-informant type: (a) personalized text cognitive script, i.e. the script having agent-informant to represent people; (b) inanimate text cognitive script, i.e. the script having agent-informant to represent objects of nature, such as planets, flora and fauna, and etc.

Finally, interpret the script model. Cognitive script architectonics model depends on its type. Script model can be simple or complex. Following V.I. Karasik "model is the research construct to identify any phenomenon, its systematical and functional correlation with any high level phenomena" [Кarasik, p. 6].

In our opinion, typologization algorithm as the innovative research way in the literary text conception is the way to complex research of cognitive script for modeling and interpreting .

To sum up, detailed interpretation of literary text conceptual sphere is the way to discover the specificity of writer`s style, including as static, as dynamic cognitive structures. Cognitive-hermeneutic analysis of text cognitive scripts gives scrupulous data for the typologization of literary concepts as the base to research the synergy of lingual signs of literary world model as the unique model of reality and unreality.

1. Boldirev N.N. Conceptual Lingual Base. Cognitive Research of Language. Vol. ІV. Мoscow-Tambov: TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin, 2009. Pp. 25-77.

2. Gasparian, G.R. & Chernyavskaya, V.E. Text as Discursive Event. Issues of Cognitive Linguistics. 2014. # 4. Pp. 44-51.

3. Karasik V.I. Lingual Cultural Matrix. М.: Gnozis, 2013.

4. Ogneva Е.А. Architectonics of Textual Cognitive Script at the Interpretive Sphere of Translation // Issues of Cognitive Linguistics. 2015. # № 2. Pp. 61-70.

5. Lakoff G., Johnsen M. Metaphors We Live by. London: The University Press, Ltd., 1988.

6. Schank R.C., Abelson R.P. Scripts, Plans, Coals and Understanding: An Inquiry into Human Knowledge Structures. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., 1977.

7. Schank R.C. Reading and Understanding: Teaching from the Perspective of Artificial Intelligence. Hillsdale, N.Y.: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass., 1982.

Bibliographic reference

Ogneva E.A. Text cognitive script typologization as the innovative research way . International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2016. – № 2 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/464-25036 (22.10.2024).