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Home / Issues / № 1, 2013

Teaching science

The preparation of future teachers for professional careers in the context of globalization
Kaliyeva E. I., Bitikova A.I.

Reformation of higher pedagogical education, the transition to multi-level teachers training, competitiveness software professionals in the labor market are relevant in the preparation of future teachers for vocational and educational activities [1].

The performance of educational institutions, primarily related to the teacher. His individual personality, teaching professionalism, morality and prudence, creative research in solving educational problems, exemplary, health and spiritual wealth are prerequisites for social society.

Teacher Preparation requires the formation of the personality of each specialist teacher. And it's a long, complicated process. But its foundation is laid in the teacher education institutions.

The urgency of this problem is determined by the need to develop educational theory and experiment in a dynamic process of renewal of the society, which is characterized by the following factors:

First, the important is to create professional-level educational activities. The reason for the social significance of the process of teacher training is the dependence and an increase in the requirements of the higher education institutions, and interrelated processes in the reform of teacher training.

Secondly, the increasing role of active creative individual teacher's personality, defining any one of the effective methods of achieving the goals of education, the interrelationship of the normality.

Third, increase the desire motivated approach their work with responsibility and creativity, self-improvement and to obtain the necessary knowledge, increase professionalism, practice and personal abilities.

Fourth, the introduction of new pedagogical concepts, the definition of their values​​, increase the importance of the explanatory apparatus pedagogy.

Fifth, the importance of building a system for the preparation of vocational and educational activities of future teachers.

Globalization in the era of the current strategy of primary education, mostly 6-9 year olds determine the direction of the formation of the means and methods of knowledge, providing the breadth of ideas and intellectual development overall. This means that the organization of the education system is aimed at the development of a special future specialist. Formation such a system requires reformation in the content of primary education, providing together with the opening of zeal and individual disposition, the ability to a wide profile and culture of each child.

The term "globalization" was first introduced for World of national economic problems. In connection with the development of a wide variety of international relations, the term began to be used in education [2]. To explain the concept of globalization can be approached in different ways:

1. According to Taker Y. global education - is required for each student, the knowledge, skills and the process of giving a belief system, who wants to become a citizen with a sense of responsibility for their country, for their country in a complex interdependent global society.

2. According to Lysenkov V. knowledge, global education for a person is an important framework to assist entry into the world, a coordinated system of mutual cultural, social, economic and other levels of interconnection, its mission - to empower knowledge of the world and the mechanisms of their interaction with other countries, understanding of the place in the global community, and helps to look at the world through the eyes of other countries.

3. According to Kukushkina V. global education - one of the areas of Pedagogical theory and experiment, it is based on the need to prepare for life in an uncertain world with increasing global crisis. According to the author, the objects of global education are:

- the man, the actualization of his rights, freedoms and ideals, the terms of cooperation and community life;

- the elimination of the declining interest in education, distrust and nihilism, preserved among young people;

- information revolution, the rapid summation, obsolescence and renewal of knowledge, search techniques and optimal delivery and selection of knowledge in reducing implementation time news of science and technology in the practice of education;

- introduction of a new stage literacy, because scholarship index change - requirements not only reading and writing, but also understand the requirement of knowledge has increased the number of employees of illiterate people in the world;

- creating a continuous education system to work effectively, as one of the conditions for full use of the labor force.

According to Kukushkina V. the purpose of global education is to eliminate the following problems:

- the division of the world into rival groups, social, national or other antagonisms that lead to armed conflicts in some regions;

- differences between man and nature, leading to environmental threats;

- duplicity of the human mind and soul.

These goals require the integration of training, based on the major issues of development of civilization as a community of separate cultures, community members and the various communities, to preserve humanity. Global education not deny or reverses the success of domestic and international pedagogy. Global education is flawed, but it is one of the possible variants of human adaptation to life.

To date, global education is one of the future directions of educational theory and practice, this area provides an opportunity for students in the many political, economic, social and other problems in adapting to the complex and rapidly changing world [3].

Vocational and educational activities - a special kind of professional art teacher, aimed at the education of children, and through the creation of conditions for their development, aimed at the social culture of practice.

Vocational and educational activity is considered as a holistic development of self-actualization of future teachers. This ability is mainly manifested in the individual work and independence, in the development of creative skills, in the right self-assessment itself. But at the same time, self-actualization can be said about the social situation. For example, all the opportunities to subordinate professional pedagogical service, faith in his experience, the establishment of private educational framework to address the problem of pedagogical situations.

Basic rules of creating a model of professional training and educational activities of the students are integrity, development, appropriate and retention rules.

Holistic rule in professional and pedagogical knowledge defines the relationship between the deductive (with instructions) by the methods of knowledge, its use as a means of implementing the Intra and interdisciplinary connections. Developmental and relevant rules determine training and learning process and the development of higher mental pupils. The rule, which was formed in the educational system, is reflected in the development of content.

Model preparation for vocational and educational activities of the future teachers, examines the development of the content and structure of the models. Professional pedagogical activity-based model includes individual integrity and functionality, content and operational components. During preparation for vocational and educational work of the students, they learn the different models. For example, the conversion of a functional component in the content, then - in an operational and vice versa. This training provides an individual direction.

As a way to offer a model professional and educational activities, you can take the algorithm and heuristics  and their combined ratio. In the first case, their combined ratio is the main object of heuristics (functional component), and the algorithm performs an incremental feature: In the second case (a substantial component) - and heuristic algorithm, matching each other express different two roles; in the third case (operational component) - the object of making the algorithm and heuristic explains the purposes of personal behavior. The process of preparation for vocational and educational activities provides insight into its structure and content, opens the possibility of creative performance of the specific educational activities, provides view of developmental learning and personal opportunities teachers.

Conditions of formation of professional pedagogical activity are its mechanisms. The main content of the considered conditions ensures the formation of a certain kind of professional pedagogical activity of the teacher:

-first of all, learning is always active during the formation of vocational and educational activities are permanently enabled on individual teachers. Student should be able to use their knowledge and skills in practice;

- Individual personality manifests activity, and readiness of the individual provides good luck activities. Object description of the formation of professional and pedagogical activities, targeting and objectives of discipline, in our opinion, is manifested by the development of knowledge about the construction and maintenance of the students;

- Students learn the content of educational activities with certain known methods. If you choose this method, we relied on the fact that the formation of educational activities and self individual teacher must meet.

- Future Teacher basis of its activities (UPM) is constantly developing with the use of creativity.

It is considered necessary to form an individual, personal, motivational and necessary quality of future teachers, but his full professional pedagogical training is not sufficient. Among the conditions that increase the effective assimilation process vocational and educational activities include special education.

To realize this goal we have chosen a system of measures that include:

1. Discussion and performance diagnostic tasks to determine the level of the structure of professional and educational activities for a specific pedagogical skills

2. Work on individual counseling skills specific students and supplement their knowledge.

3. Carrying out works, aimed at the assimilation of the structure and content of vocational and educational activities.

4. Preparing students summaries of different kinds of disciplines in order to process one of the types of specific activities(conclusion of the purposes and functions of discipline, support and training available methods).

5. Adding a real real educational processes to the cognitive activity of students(the use of the business game, shot on videotape lessons conducted by professional teachers and students).

6. Determining the structure of educational activities in different models(algorithm, algorithmic recommendation heuristic recommendations heuristic).

7. Implementation the practical real professional and educational activities of each student.

8. Execution of creative assignments(such as writing an essay on "How to prepare and conduct training lessons" (algorithms and heuristics)).

The development of vocational and educational activities indicates prudence execution of the activity. In this case, separately, to specify its contents. The content of vocational and educational activities, understanding of its specific new forms makes it possible to group the pedagogical skills.

During the build definition of the developmental rights of the individual (self-development) may be given in the abstract (generalized) form. All of this gives us the opportunity to show the separate acts ultimatum vocational and educational activities: finding the optimal solutions to the goals, the implementation of the process of achieving goals, achievement and evaluation  of results, comparative control and monitoring operations performed teacher.

Whatever kind of vocational and educational activities are not carried out a teacher, he must know the methodology, rules execution One of these rules - the rule of teaching activities and the stages of its implementation methodology development knowledge.

In this regard, the process of defining the goals and objectives of training sessions is one of the stages of the teaching activities. Here we have used the rule for the structural elements: the separation of abstract and concrete operations mature.

1. Pushkarev Y.V. Education in the Modern University: new ideas and directions of development // Bulletin NPPU. – 2011.- №1 – 40-43. p.g.

2. Humanistic values, global thinking and modern education. - St. Petersburg.: Peter. 1992. – 192. p.g.

3. Evzrezov D. V, Mayer B.O. Globalization, the information society and the national education // Philosophy of Education. – 2008. - №2 (23). – 194-201. p.g.

Bibliographic reference

Kaliyeva E. I., Bitikova A.I. The preparation of future teachers for professional careers in the context of globalization. International Journal Of Applied And Fundamental Research. – 2013. – № 1 –
URL: www.science-sd.com/452-24063 (22.10.2024).